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This Blog has moved

This blog has moved to http://www.monicaajohnson.blogspot.com Please go by and check it out in order to be inspired on your journey.

Moments of life’s simpliest treasures

One of the most simple yet profound statements I have heard is that “sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is to eat and rest because if you aren’t emtionally and physically well, how can you do great things for God”. I believe this particular concept was taken from the story in the bible … Continue reading

Moving in Life: 9 Principles to Make the Transition Easier

We all go through changes in life, from a one job to another or one realtionship to another etc….rather voluntarily or involuntarily. Although it may seem bad at the time, change is a good thing. On the journey of moving from one place in life to another, here are 9 key principles that will not only make your actual moving process to literally get out of your physical residence but will make the transition of moving in every area of your life better.

Hello world!

Thank you for stopping by my blog of Life. Purpose. Passion and Trusting God. I am really excited about this blog because it gives me a platform to share with you. If you are coming over from The InLight….don’t worry…I will still incorporate those messages into what I am saying but I will be dealing … Continue reading